今年秋天的Cos table 可是滿滿的重量級人物!這次我們邀請到 小廚房私廚俱樂部 Private Kitchen by The Studio,要趕在馬祖淡菜產季的尾聲,把大海的滋味分享給大家,肥碩的淡菜、鮮甜彈嫩,傾瀉的精華湯汁,需要用麵包沾起,吃得一滴不剩;搭配上來自義大利太陽谷酒莊的Nerodavola 和Fiano 紅白葡萄酒,
I’m a trend setter, an adventurer, a coffee lover and a photographer!
I love experiments and personal projects. Finding new perspectives and breathing in new life into old boring scenes is what inspires and gets me excited!
If you call yourself a creative, proudly wear that title, be memorable, inspire others and always be ahead of the crowd! Be Evóra!